How to make regular incense cones backflow?

Backflow incense is a type of incense that is designed to flow downwards, creating a mesmerizing smoke effect that is both beautiful and calming. Unlike traditional incense, which burns upwards, backflow incense is specifically designed to work with a backflow incense burner, which allows the smoke to flow downwards and create a unique visual effect. However, some people who are new to using this type of incense may encounter a problem: the smoke does not flow out at the bottom and cannot create the expected smoke waterfall effect. In this article, we will explore the causes and solutions for creating a beautiful smoke waterfall effect using regular incense cones.

1. The simplest to make backflow incense work?

The simplest and most effective way to make a regular incense cone that can be turned into a backflow incense cone is to use a drill to make a hole from the base of the cone.

Watch the video and see the instructions below for more details. This method also works with backflow incense cones that have small smoke vents, preventing them from creating the desired smoke waterfall effect.

Step 1: To do this, I will use a 6mm drill bit to drill up to 2/3 of the length of the incense cone.

Step 2: I will use tape to mark the desired drilling depth on the drill bit.

Step 3: I will use an electric drill to make a hole in my incense cone. You should wear gloves and drill gently to avoid damaging the incense cone and preventing injury.

After drilling is complete, we have an incense cone with a larger hole for smoke and the perfect length to create a waterfall effect.

Light it up and enjoy the beautiful effect.

2. Science behind backflow incense burners

The science behind backflow incense burners is based on the principle of convection. As the smoke from the incense rises, it creates a low-pressure area in the hollow chamber of the burner. This low-pressure area draws in more smoke from the incense cone, creating a continuous flow of smoke that flows downwards and out of the larger hole at the top of the burner.

To learn more about this, I think you'll enjoy Steve Mold's video explaining how backflow incense cones work.

Watch the video below.

Gravity defying smoke

3. Why can't your incense cone create a smoke waterfall effect?

Despite their unique design, backflow incense burners can sometimes experience issues that prevent them from working properly. Here are some common issues and how to troubleshoot them:

3.1. There is no smoke hole or the smoke hole is too small.

The most common reason why your incense cone cannot create the expected smoke waterfall effect is that it does not have a smoke hole or the existing hole is too small and short.

To create the smoke waterfall effect, you need to use a specific type of incense cone. The type has a round hole in the center and is two-thirds the length of the incense cone. If you use regular incense cones, it will not create the smoke waterfall effect.

In some cases, reverse flow incense cones have a smoke exit hole in the center of the cone. The smoke hole is shortened and smaller because the production process has not been completed. This will prevent the smoke from descending and create a smoke waterfall effect.

To solve this problem, use an electric drill to make a hole in the center of the cone. Please review our instructions above for detailed instructions.

You can also read the comparison article between regular incense cones and backflow incense cones to learn detailed information.

3.2. Place the incense cone slightly off-center from the smoke vent on the incense burner.

Another reason you can't achieve the smoke waterfall effect is because you placed the incense cone off-center in comparison to the smoke vent on the incense burner.

Placing the incense cone like that will obviously prevent the smoke from flowing downwards. To fix it, make sure to align them properly, and everything will work again.

3.3. Your incense cone is too damp, and it is not burning properly.

Another reason you may not be able to create the smoke waterfall effect is if your incense cone is too damp or moldy. This will prevent them from burning properly and also from creating enough smoke.

Store your incense cones properly, in a dry place, away from moisture and high temperatures. Please read the article on how to properly preserve incense for detailed instructions.

4. Tips and tricks for getting the most out of your backflow incense

4.1. Place your incense burner in a sheltered place

The backflow smoke waterfall effect can only occur in airtight environments. A little draft can also blow away the smoke. Therefore, as well as ensuring safety when using incense cones, you should burn them in a sheltered place to maximize efficiency.

4.2. Please be patient and wait for the smoke waterfall effect to occur

The smoke waterfall effect occurs only when the incense cone burns to the smoke vent, located 1/3 of the way down the incense cone. So you need to wait patiently.

A standard incense cone burns for 15 to 20 minutes. This means it takes 5 to 7 minutes for the smoke waterfall effect to appear.

4.3. Cleaning and maintaining your backflow incense burner

To keep your backflow incense burner working properly, make sure to clean it regularly. Use a soft brush or cloth to remove any ash or debris from the burner, and make sure to empty the ash catcher after each use.

Please read the article on how to clean an incense burner for step-by-step instructions.

Enjoying the benefits of backflow incense

Backflow incense is a unique and beautiful way to enjoy the benefits of incense. By understanding the science behind backflow incense burners and following these troubleshooting tips and tricks, you can get the most out of your incense experience. Whether you're a seasoned incense user or a beginner, backflow incense has something to offer everyone. So, let's explore the world of reverse fragrance today by letting us know what you think in the comments section below.

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