Do you hate bugs and mosquitoes? Who doesn't, right? Well, what if I told you there was a way to repel them without using any harsh chemicals or bug sprays? Believe it or not, incense can do the trick!

Incense is often used in religious ceremonies, and for aromatherapy. But it turns out that incense can also be used as a natural bug repellent! Incense has been shown to be an effective way to keep bugs and mosquitoes away, without the use of harsh chemicals. Keep reading to learn more about how incense can be used as a bug repellent.

1. Do incense sticks keep bugs and mosquitoes away?

There is some evidence that incense may repel mosquitoes and other bugs, but there is not enough scientific evidence to say for sure. Some people believe that the smoke from burning incense sticks helps keep bugs away. The burning of certain types of incense, such as citronella, lemon grass, eucalyptus, and lavender, can help to repel mosquitoes and other insects.

The insect-repelling properties of incense are thought to come from the volatile oils that are released when the plant material is burned. These oils can help to keep mosquitoes and other insects away by masking the scents that they use to locate their prey. Additionally, the smoke from incense can help to create an unfavorable environment for these pests, making it more difficult for them to fly and breed.

There is no definitive answer to whether or not incense repels mosquitoes and other bugs. However, if you are looking for a natural way to keep bugs away, it may be worth trying out some incense sticks. You can light them near doorways and windows to help keep bugs from coming inside your home. You can also carry a stick with you when you are outdoors to help keep bugs away from you.

Don't let bugs ruin your summer night -- light up some Incense Sticks!

Don't let bugs ruin your summer night -- light up some Incense Sticks!

2. The studies of incense insect repellents

Incense has been used as a mosquito and bug repellent for centuries, and there is some evidence to suggest that it can be effective. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in 2002 found that incense smoke was able to repel mosquitoes in a laboratory setting. 

Another study, published in Malaria Journal in 2007, looked at the use of incense as a mosquito repellent in real-world settings. The study found that incense smoke reduced the number of bites from malaria-carrying mosquitoes by about 50%. 

It's important to note that not all types of incense are equally effective at repelling mosquitoes. The 2002 study found that certain types of incense, including those made from the woods of the guava and neem trees, were more effective than others.

If you're interested in using incense as a mosquito repellent, be sure to choose a type that has been shown to be effective. And always use incense responsibly, taking care to avoid starting fires.

3. What incense is good to keep mosquitoes and bugs away?

Incense has been used for centuries as a way to repel mosquitoes and other insects. There are many different types of incense that can be used for this purpose, and each has its own unique properties that make it effective at repelling these pests.

One type of incense that is particularly effective at repelling mosquitoes is Citronella incense. This type of incense is made from the leaves of the citronella plant, which is native to Asia. The oil from these leaves is extracted and used to create the incense, which gives it its strong mosquito-repelling properties.

Rosemary incense is another type of incense that can be used to keep mosquitoes and other insects at bay. This type of incense is made from the Rosemary plant, which is native to the Mediterranean region. The oil from this plant is used to create the incense, and it has a strong herbal scent that many insects find repulsive.

Finally, Peppermint incense is another type of incense that can be used to keep mosquitoes and other insects away. This type of incense is made from the Peppermint plant, which is native to Europe. The oil from this plant is used to create the incense, and it has a strong minty scent that many insects find repulsive.

All of these types of incense are effective at repelling mosquitoes and other insects. When used properly, they can provide you with relief from these pests for extended periods of time.

Please refer to the article: a list of the 11 best incense to repel mosquitoes and insects for the most suitable options.

Incense – an easy, natural way to keep mosquitoes and other insects from invading your home.

Incense – an easy, natural way to keep mosquitoes and other insects from invading your home.

4. How to use incense to repel mosquitoes?

Incense has long been used as a natural mosquito repellent. All it takes is a few sticks of incense and you can keep those pesky mosquitoes away! Not only is this method effective, but it's also cheap and easy to do.

Incense can be highly effective in repelling mosquitoes, as well as other harmful insects like flies and cockroaches. This is because the smoke from the burning incense confuses their sensors and prevents them from locating you.

The best way to use incense to repel mosquitoes is by lighting it and placing it in strategic locations around your home. Incense smoke will help to keep mosquitoes away and make your home more mosquito-free. You can also purchase mosquito coils which are effective in repelling mosquitoes. Be sure to read the instructions on the mosquito coil packaging before using it. You should also keep your incense away from children and pets.

Besides, incense can be used to repel mosquitoes in gardens or campsites. When burned, incense produces smoke that mosquitoes find repellent. To use incense to repel mosquitoes, simply light a stick of incense and allow the smoke to waft over the area where you are trying to keep mosquitoes away. Incense can be particularly effective in enclosed spaces, such as tents or screened porches, where the smoke will have nowhere to escape but will linger and deter mosquitoes.

Keep in mind that mosquito-repelling incense should not be used indoors on a regular basis. Inhaling smoke from any type of incense can be irritating to the lungs, so it's best to reserve this method for outdoor use only. Also, be sure to extinguish all flames when you're finished using them. Never leave burning incense unattended!

Burning incense is an easy and effective way to keep those mosquitos away!

Burning incense is an easy and effective way to keep those mosquitos away!

5. What about other insects?

5.1 Does incense repel spiders?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that incense repels spiders. However, some people believe that the smoke from burning incense can help keep spiders away.

When it comes to spider control, many people turn to chemical solutions. However, these can be toxic and potentially harmful to both humans and pets. If you're looking for a more natural way to keep spiders at bay, try using incense.

Some people find that the smoke from the incense sticks acts as a spider repellent and other pests. The strong smell confuses and repels them, making it a great natural solution for those who want to avoid chemicals.

To use incense as a spider repellent, simply light a stick or cone and allow the smoke to fill the room. Be sure to open windows and doors so that the smoke can reach all corners of the room. You may need to repeat this process every few days to keep spiders away.

The jury is still out on this one. Some people say that incense helps keep spiders away, while others claim that it does nothing to deter them. If you're looking for a natural way to keep spiders at bay, you could give incense a try. Who knows, it might just work for you!

5.2. Does incense keep flies away?

Incense has long been used as a way to keep flies away. The smoke from the incense helps to repel the flies and keep them from entering your home. There are many benefits to using incense to keep flies away. Incense is a natural way to repel flies, it is non-toxic, and it does not require any special equipment or chemicals. You can find incense in many different forms, such as sticks, cones, and coils. Incense is easy to use and can be lit quickly when you need it.

5.3. Does incense repel cockroaches?

Incense is a powerful tool for repelling cockroaches. The smoke from the burning incense will fill the room and drive the cockroaches away. Incense is also effective at killing cockroaches. The smoke from the incense will suffocate the cockroaches and kill them.

To use incense to repel cockroaches, simply light a stick of incense and allow the smoke to fill the room. Be sure to keep the incense away from any open flames, as the incense can catch fire and cause damage. Once the room is filled with smoke, the cockroaches will be forced to leave.

When used properly, incense is a safe and effective way to repel cockroaches. It is important to follow the above precautions to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.

6. Some important notes

It's no secret that mosquitoes can be a real nuisance. Not only are they annoying, but they can also transmit diseases like malaria and dengue fever. Thankfully, there are a few ways to help keep them at bay - one of which is using incense.

The smoke from incense can keep away mosquitoes and other bugs effectively. The scent of the smoke will also help to mask your smell, making it harder for them to find you. If you are planning on spending time outdoors in an area where there are mosquitoes or other insects, consider lighting some incense to help keep them away.

  • There are a few things to keep in mind when using incense to repel mosquitoes:
  • Make sure to choose a mosquito-repellent incense, such as citronella or lemongrass.
  • Light the incense and allow it to burn for a few minutes before putting it out.
  • Place the incense in a safe location away from flammable materials.
  • Keep an eye on the incense at all times to make sure it doesn't start a fire.
  • Don't leave burning incense unattended.

If used correctly, incense can be a great way to keep mosquitoes and other harmful insects away. Just be sure to use caution and follow the safety tips above.


So what’s the verdict? Does incense repel bugs and mosquitoes? The answer is a resounding “maybe.” While there are many anecdotal reports of incense repelling insects, scientific evidence is still inconclusive. However, given that incense doesn’t have any harmful chemicals and can be easily used to create a barrier against pests, it might be worth giving it a try if you’re looking for an all-natural way to keep bugs at bay. Let us know in the comments whether or not incense works for you as a mosquito repellent – we’d love to hear your experiences!


1. Ethnobotanical survey and evaluation of traditional mosquito repellent plants of Dai people in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China

2. Laboratory evaluation of traditional insect/mosquito repellent plants against Anopheles arabiensis, the predominant malaria vector in Ethiopia

3. An online survey of personal mosquito-repellent strategies

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Robert Vazquez 13 Apr 2024

Excellent information

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