When you think of crystals, the first thing that comes to mind is their ability to amplify energy. Crystals can cleanse and purify your energy, as well as the energy of your home. Cleansing your crystals with incense is a great way to get rid of any negative energy and bring in new, positive vibes. In this blog post, we'll show you how to cleanse crystals with incense using a few simple steps. We'll also provide tips on how to choose the right type of incense for your needs. So, if you're ready to learn more, keep reading!

1. What is the purpose of cleansing crystals

One of the most important things you can do for your crystals is to keep them clean. Not only will this help to ensure that they are energetically pure, but it will also help to preserve their physical appearance. There are a number of different ways that you can cleanse your crystals, and which method you use will depend on both the type of crystal and your personal preferences.

Some of the most popular methods for cleansing crystals include:

  • Smudging with sage or Palo Santo
  • Using a saltwater bath
  • Burying them on the ground
  • Placing them in direct sunlight
  • Using lunar energy (either by placing them outside during a full moon or by keeping them inside during a new moon).
  • Using incense

There are a few reasons why you might want to cleanse your crystals with incense. Incense can purify the energy of your crystals, making them more potent and effective. It can also help to remove any negative energies that may be attached to them. Cleansing your crystals with incense is a good way to keep them healthy and charged.

Regardless of which method you choose, it is important to remember that crystals absorb energy, both positive and negative. For this reason, it is important to cleanse them on a regular basis, especially if you are using them frequently or if they are exposed to large amounts of negativity. By cleansing your crystals regularly, you will help to ensure that they remain energetically pure and balanced.

The crystals need to be cleansed to remove the aura and negative energies.

The crystals need to be cleansed to remove the aura and negative energies.

2. How to cleanse your crystals with incense

To clean your crystals with incense, follow these instructions:

  1. Before you begin, it's important to make sure your crystals are clean. The easiest way to do this is to wipe them with a cloth.
  2. Once your crystals are clean, hold them in your non-dominant hand and focus on your intention for cleansing them.
  3. Light your incense and waft the smoke around your crystals, allowing the smoke to penetrate into the crystal's pores.
  4. As you do this, visualize any negative energy being drawn out of the crystal and into the smoke.
  5. Continue until you feel that the crystal has been sufficiently cleansed.
  6. Extinguish the incense and thank the universe for helping you cleanse your crystals.

cleansing my crystals with incense - how to

When using incense to cleanse your crystals, it's important to make sure that the smoke can reach all sides of the stone. The best way to do this is to hold the crystal in your hand and pass it through the smoke several times. You can also place the crystal on a heat-resistant surface and waft the smoke over it with your hand.

As you cleanse your crystals with incense, visualize the smoke carrying away any negative energy or unwanted vibrations. Imagine the incense cleansing and purifying your stones, leaving them bright and refreshed.

When you're finished, allow the crystal to air dry before storing it away or using it in healing rituals or spells.

3. Which crystals work best with incense

As mentioned before, any type of crystal can be used for cleansing with incense. However, some crystals are more suitable than others. For example, quartz is known for its ability to absorb and store energy. This makes it an ideal choice for clearing away negative energy. Other good choices include amethyst, tourmaline, and obsidian. These crystals are also known for their ability to absorb and store energy, making them ideal for cleansing with incense.

When choosing a crystal for cleansing with incense, it is important to consider the type of energy you wish to remove. For example, if you are trying to remove negative energy, you will want to choose a crystal that is known for its ability to absorb and store energy. Some good choices include quartz, amethyst, tourmaline, and obsidian. If you are trying to remove positive energy, you will want to choose a crystal that is known for its ability to deflect or disperse energy. Some good choices include citrine, topaz, and peridot.

4. Can you use any incense to cleanse?

There are many different types of incense that can be used for cleansing crystals, but not all of them are equally effective. Some of the most popular options include white sage, cedar, and palo santo. Each of these has its own unique properties that make it ideal for cleansing crystals.

White sage is perhaps the most well-known option for cleansing crystals. It is often used in smudging ceremonies and is known for its ability to drive away negative energy.

Cedar is another popular choice for cleansing crystals. It has a strong woodsy scent that can help to purify your space.

Palo santo is a lesser-known option, but it is also very effective at cleansing crystals. It has a sweet, citrusy scent that can help to uplift your mood.

Besides, you can also choose any form of incense you want. From incense cones to loose incense or incense resin. Meanwhile, incense sticks are the most popular choice.

When choosing incense for cleansing crystals, it is important to choose one that you feel comfortable with. If you are not sure which type of incense to use, it is always a good idea to consult with a trusted crystal expert. They will be able to guide you toward the best option for cleansing your crystals.

You can also refer to the article: top 11 best incense for crystals cleansing to make the right choices.

There are many types of incense that can be used to clear crystals.

There are many types of incense that can be used to clear crystals.

5. The pros and cons

When it comes to cleansing crystals, there are a variety of methods that can be used. Some people prefer to use salt water, while others like to use sunlight or moonlight. And then there are those who prefer to cleanse their crystals with incense.

One of the main reasons why some people opt to cleanse their crystals with incense is because it can help to remove any negative energy that may be attached to them. Burning incense helps to purify the air and create a peaceful, calming atmosphere - perfect for getting rid of any unwanted energies.

Another benefit of using incense to cleanse your crystals is that it can help to enhance their natural properties. Certain aromas can promote feelings of relaxation and peace, while others can help to boost concentration and focus. So if you want to give your crystals a little extra boost, cleansing them with incense is a great way to do it.

Of course, as with any method of cleansing, there are also some things to keep in mind when using incense. One of the most important things is to make sure that you use a type of incense that is safe for both you and your crystals. Some types of incense, such as those made with synthetic fragrances, can actually be harmful to your health. So it's important to do your research and choose an incense that is specifically designed for cleansing purposes and safe for your health.

Another thing to keep in mind when cleansing your crystals with incense is that you need to be careful not to burn yourself. The smoke from incense can be irritating to the lungs, so it's important to make sure that you are in a well-ventilated area when using it. And, of course, always make sure to extinguish the incense before leaving the room.

Overall, cleansing your crystals with incense is a great way to remove any negative energy that may be attached to them and enhance their natural properties. Just be sure to do your research and choose an incense that is specifically designed for cleansing purposes. With a little bit of care, you can enjoy all the benefits of cleansing your crystals with incense without any of the risks.

6. How often should you cleanse your crystals with incense

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, such as the type of crystal, how often it is used, and your personal preference. However, many people like to cleanse their crystals with incense at least once a week. This helps to remove any negative energy that may have accumulated on the crystal and also allows you to recharge it with fresh, positive energy.

You should clean the crystals periodically or after using them.

You should clean the crystals periodically or after using them.

7. Some useful tips

When cleansing crystals with incense, it's important to keep a few things in mind.

  1. First, make sure that the smoke can reach all parts of the crystal. If the crystal is large, you may need to move it around a bit to make sure that all sides are exposed to the smoke.
  2. It is also important to be careful not to burn yourself or anything else when using incense. Always use a holder or stand for your incense so that it is stable and will not tip over. Keep a bowl of water nearby in case you need to extinguish the incense quickly.
  3. Don't forget to set the crystal is placed on a heat-resistant surface.
  4. Make sure you use the right type of incense for the job and always take into account the safety of both yourself and the crystals.
  5. Remember to cleanse your crystals regularly for the best results.
  6. Never leave burning incense unattended.
  7. When you are finished cleaning the crystals, make sure to put them back in a safe place where they will not be disturbed.

>>> You can also refer to the article: instructions for using incense properly for more useful tips.


Cleansing your crystals with incense can be a powerful way to restore their energy and remove any negative vibes they may have picked up. In this blog post, we’ve outlined the best way to cleanse your crystals using incense, as well as which crystals work best with this method. We’ve also shared some pros and cons of cleansing crystals with incense, as well as how often you should do it. Have you tried cleansing your crystals with incense? Let us know what you think in the comments below!


1. Purifying Crystals: How to Clear, Charge and Purify Your Healing Crystals - Michael Gienger


2. Crystals for Beginners: A Guide to Collecting & Using Stones & Crystals


3. The Illustrated Guide to Crystals


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