Simple instructions for making incense from sawdust

Incense has been used for centuries in various cultures for spiritual, medicinal, and aromatic purposes. While it's easy to find incense in stores, making your own incense from sawdust can be a fun and rewarding activity. Not only does it allow you to create your own unique blends, but it can also save you money in the long run. In this step-by-step guide for beginners, we'll walk you through the process of making incense from sawdust. This type of incense cone is very simple to make at home, suitable for the end of the year or Christmas. Its scent will take you back to childhood memories of the wooden house in the pine forest.


The key to the problem is determining the type of sawdust you want to use for making incense. There are many types of wood to choose from, such as pine, cedar, and cypress. And equally important is your supply. You can order them on Amazon or find branches available locally.

Here are some ingredients to prepare:

  • Wood to create sawdust. Here I will use green cypress wood. 
  • Makko powder Link Amz:
  • 1 sieve
  • Mold for making incense cones. You can purchase molds for making incense cones, or you can use Coke bottles as molds.
  • A few bowls to hold incense powder.
  • Clean water.

Step 1: Create sawdust

Once you have chosen the type of wood you want to use for incense, use a cutter to cut it into small pieces to obtain sawdust.

Be sure to wear protective gear to avoid injury when cutting wood.

Besides, remember to cut wood in a clean area to prevent sawdust from getting mixed with dirt.

Step 2: Sieve sawdust

Once you have the sawdust, gather it and put it in a bowl.

Use a sieve to strain out the remaining sawdust. They need to be sifted to remove the coarse particles and keep only the fine powder. The only wood pulps that can be used to make incense are those that can burn and shape well.

Sifting slowly will make it easier and prevent them from spilling out.

Step 3: Mix incense powder mixture

After sifting the sawdust, I will mix it with makko powder to create an incense powder blend.

Here I use a ratio of 2 grams of makko powder mixed with 10 grams of wood powder.

Once you have the desired amount of powdered incense, use a spoon to stir it evenly.

Step 4: Knead the flavor powder mixture

Use a spray bottle to wet the incense powder mixture by spraying water into it. When spraying water, use a spoon to stir it back and forth, ensuring it gets wet more evenly.

When the incense powder mixture has enough water, use your hands to knead it until it becomes very flexible and clay-like.

Step 5: Divide the incense powder mixture into small pieces

An incense cone typically weighs around 1 gram. Based on that, you will divide your incense powder mixture into equal parts. This will help your incense cones burn more evenly, ensuring that no cone is too big or too small.

You can use a knife to cut the incense powder.

After cutting, gently use your hands to roll the incense powder into an oval shape. This will simplify the process of putting the incense powder into the mold in the next step.

Step 6: Create an incense cone shape

You can order an incense cone mold or use a Coca-Cola bottle to make an incense cone mold.

In this tutorial, I will use Coca-Cola bottles. Cut a Coca-Cola bottle into a 3 x 7 cm rectangle and then roll it up to create a cone shape.

When you have an incense cone mold, pack the incense powder into the mold. The oval-shaped incense dough will be easier to insert into the mold.

To make a backflow incense cone, use a stick or chopsticks to create a smoke vent at the bottom of the cone.

Once completed, gently remove the incense cones from the mold and arrange them neatly on a tray to dry.

Step 7: Dry the incense cone

Once you have formed your incense cones, place them in the sun. Because the ingredients do not contain much essential oil, incense cones made from sawdust can be dried in the sun, and they will also dry faster than other types of incense. It usually takes about 2 to 3 days for them to dry completely.

If there is no sunlight, you can use an oven to expedite the process.

Step 8: Use and preserve your incense cones

And finally it's time to enjoy your achievements. Light it up and enjoy the warm Christmas atmosphere these incense cones bring. To me, they really smell like burning wood like a campfire and a faint hint of fragrance. This is truly an interesting experience derived from wasted sawdust.

Don't forget to store the remaining incense carefully, so you can use it whenever you want.


Making incense from sawdust is a fun and rewarding activity that anyone can enjoy. By following these simple steps, you can create your own unique incense blends that are free of chemicals and additives. And finally, let us know about your thoughts and experiences in making incense from sawdust in the comments section below. We are eager to share everything with you about the experience of making incense.

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