Herbs have been a representation of health, but also of magical traditions for ages. From the earliest temples to the modern kitchen, these plants hold an energy connected deeply with the forces of nature. Clove is such a magical herb that adds not only a special flavor to dishes but is used in spells and rituals for invoking prosperity and abundance. Read more about the spiritual benefits of clove to understand its deeper connections.
To me, personally, clove is much more than just a spice for warm winter teas or festive dishes. It contains a rich, grounding energy-quality that, tapped into, can open pathways to financial success, protection, and mental acuity. In this article, I will guide you through the metaphysical properties of clove, how to use it in prosperity spells, and simple but really effective ways to incorporate it into your daily life for abundance.

Clove Magic for Prosperity and Abundance

Clove Magic for Prosperity and Abundance

Section One: Clove Spells for Prosperity

Metaphysical Clove Properties

Clove carries this energetic, warm, spicy feeling that can really help in grounding the mind, spirit, and body—one of the biggest things when working on manifesting abundance. It aligns your will with reality by setting your thoughts and emotions stable, hence bringing focus and determination to financial goals. Many times, I find that when life is chaotic or the mind is scattered by worries, the grounding nature of clove helps in refocusing. Clove is also used in protection spells, deflecting negativity that may block financial success.

Beyond its grounding properties, clove has some really strong protection. This provides a spiritual barrier that will deflect any negativity that would adversely impact financial success or result in losses unexpectedly. I have watched this time and again when working with clients who feel that they are "blocked" financially or cannot seem to sustain prosperity. Many times, adding clove to the spell clears the path once more, and the end can welcome the flow of wealth.
Clove also clarifies and focuses, which is very important when one is setting an intention for wealth. Whether this is entrepreneurship, wanting a promotion, or just stability in finances, clove sharpens mental clarity that helps one plot actionable steps toward achievement.

Using Clove in Spells of Prosperity

Clove can be incorporated into spells in many different forms, whether as an incense, oil, or whole cloves. One of the ways in which I prefer using clove in any prosperity magic is through candle spells.

Magic of Prosperity Candle

To cast a spell for a prosperity candle, I engrave onto a green candle—my 'color of money'—my name and abundance symbols of dollar signs, coins, or runes. Next, I dress the candle with a clove oil and sprinkle cinnamon powder on it, as those are special ingredients used to amplify energies of success. Lighting the candle while envisioning financial success and stability really creates a strong flow of abundance in your life. You can also place whole cloves around the candle to give it that extra energetic punch. Every time I do this ritual, I can almost feel a shift in energy, like a door opening to new financial opportunities.

Financial Growth in a Jar Spell

Another easy but powerful spell is preparing a financial growth jar. You will need whole cloves, bay leaves for success, cinnamon sticks for prosperity, and coins to attract money. Place these in a small jar while focusing on your financial goals. I keep this jar on my altar, and every time I pass, I shake it and reaffirm my intention of growing continuously in finance. It is a reminder each day based on abundance and reinforces the energy I have set in motion.

Guide Clove Spells for Prosperity

Guide Clove Spells for Prosperity

Section 2: Clove Sachets for Good Fortune

Sachet Magic for Attracting Good Fortune

Success at times involves a stroke of luck—be it getting that job, landing a business deal, or just finding those opportunities leading to financial gain. One of the simplest ways to attract luck into your life is through the creation of charm bags, otherwise known as sachets, filled with herbs and crystals that support prosperity. Clove for love and attraction can also be used to invite good fortune.

Making a Clove Luck Sachet

With the following items, you can make your own clove luck sachet: a small green cloth bag—green is the color of abundance—whole cloves, dried basil—for the wealth—and a citrine crystal—a stone said to bring luck with finances and clarity. As you put the sachet together, charge the item with your intention in mind—getting a job offer, getting unexpected cash, or even business development. Carry the sachet on your person, or place it near your workspace to draw success right into your life.

Spell Example: Job Interview Luck Sachet

For these particular events, whether it's a job interview or just a meeting with business prospects, I would highly recommend creating a luck sachet with the items of clove, basil, and a chunk of tiger's eye for confidence. Holding the sachet in your hand, take the time to focus on what you want to happen before your interview. This puts your personal energy into the sachet with the intention of your magic itself. Often, such a little magical act—like many others—innocent enough, peps me and many others up while going into any given situation where confidence is key, and we feel quite grounded and aligned with success.

Clove Sachets for Good Fortune

Clove Sachets for Good Fortune

Section 3: Abundance Rituals with Clove

Clove as a Tool to Manifest Abundance

One of the most potent qualities that clove possesses is in its correspondence with fire—a universal symbol of transformation and action. This makes it truly fit as an excellent tool for rituals that require focus, perseverance, and determination. I have found this to be true when I use it in ritual to remove energetic blockages so that abundance can flow freely into my life.

Ritual Example: New Moon Abundance Ritual

The New Moon is a time to plant seeds of intention for future success. In my New Moon abundance ritual, I anoint a green candle—representing wealth—with clove oil and surround it with whole cloves. I write my financial goals down on a piece of paper and visualize these goals manifesting while the candle burns. I also love holding a bay leaf onto which I've breathed my wishes and burning it within a candle flame, releasing those intentions into the universe.
This is such a simple ritual, yet it is so powerful. Many times, after I have done this ritual, I have felt a strong sense of release, and in the weeks thereafter, I see opportunities come to pass in unexpected ways or even find unexpected money. This ritual, like other clove magic for prosperity, can truly unlock abundance and open new opportunities.

Clove Oil for Money Magic

Beyond rituals, clove oil serves as a very good tool for everyday abundance practices. I often anoint my wallet or business tools with clove oil to charge them with prosperous energy. A tip that always works with clients is to rub your hands with a small drop of clove oil before handling money or signing any contract—it is subtle, yet it really helps invite some wealth into your life.

Daily Prosperity Practice

Incorporating clove into your daily practice can be as simple as sprinkling ground clove in the corners of your home or workspace. This practice guards and protects your financial assets while creating a magnetic arena that invites wealth. Keeping a bowl of whole cloves near your place of business will ensure a continuing flow of income and new opportunities.

Abundance Rituals with Clove

Abundance Rituals with Clove


Clove is a potent, multi-tasking ally in prosperity magic: grounding and protective, it enhances focus. It is an ideal assistant for those who wish to manifest abundance. By embedding clove straight into spells, rituals, and day-to-day, the doors open to financial growth, good luck, and success.
I encourage you to try some of these clove-based rituals and spells, adapting them to suit your own needs. I find that clove's fiery energy combined with intention makes all the difference in manifesting prosperity. Let me know how it works for you; I am excited to hear what abundance follows!

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