Palo Santo is a type of wood that is used for incense and spiritual purposes. Though it is often called "holy wood," palo santo is not a religious symbol but has purely practical and medicinal uses. When burned, the smoke from palo santo is said to have cleansing and healing properties.

People have reported that palo santo does not stay lit for very long, and they are wondering why. In this blog post, we will be discussing the possible reasons why palo santo does not stay lit and how to fix it.

If you are having the same problem with your incense sticks, you may also want to read our article: Incense Won't Stay Lit? Here's Why and How to Fix It

1. The wood is too dense and hard

Palo santo grows in tropical regions and the wood is very dense. The tree can live up to 100 years old and can grow up to 30 meters tall. Palo santo wood is very dense and hard wood. This can cause it to have trouble staying lit when used for things like incense burning. The main reason for this is because the wood is so dense, that it doesn't allow air to flow through it very well. This lack of airflow means that the wood doesn't catch fire as easily and can extinguish itself more quickly. The other problem with Palo santo wood is that it's also very oily. This oiliness can make it difficult for the wood to ignite in the first place, and can also cause it to smolder rather than burn evenly. All of these factors combined make it quite difficult to keep Palo santo wood lit for any extended period of time.

2. The palo santo may be too damp or molded

If your palo santo is too damp or moldy, it may not stay lit for long. The moisture can seep into the wood and make it harder to light. You can try drying it out by setting it in the sun for a few hours or using a hairdryer on low heat. If the wood is too wet, you can try drilling a small hole in the center of the block to allow the air to circulate. You can also wrap the palo santo in a paper towel and set it on a plate in an oven set to warm (around 200 degrees Fahrenheit). Check on it every few minutes until it is dry to the touch.

If your palo santo is moldy, you can try cleaning it with a vinegar solution. Combine equal parts white vinegar and water in a bowl or spray bottle. Saturate a cotton ball or paper towel with the solution and wipe down the palo santo. Let it air dry completely before using it. You can also try soaking the palo santo in the vinegar solution for a few hours, then scrubbing it with a toothbrush to remove the mold. Rinse it well and let it dry completely before using it.

If your palo santo still won't stay lit, you may need to replace it. Try purchasing a new block of palo santo from a reputable source. Make sure to choose a piece that is dry and free of mold. If you can't find a new block, you can try using another type of wood. Cedarsage, or copal are good options.

Read more: Incense Storage Tips: How to Keep Your Incense Fresh

Check the moisture level before you light up your palo santo.

Check the moisture level before you light up your palo santo.

3. Resin and essential oil build up on the wood

The resin and essential oils in palo santo can also build up on the surface of the wood over time. This can eventually make it difficult to get the wood lit at all. The build-up of resins and essential oils can also make the wood more difficult to extinguish. If you are having difficulty getting your palo santo to stay lit, it may be due to the accumulation of resins and essential oils on the surface of the wood.

One way to prevent this build-up is to clean the surface of the wood before each use. You can do this by wiping the wood down with a damp cloth. You can also sand the surface of the wood to remove any build-up. If you find that your palo santo is still not staying lit, you may need to replace it with a new piece of wood.

4. The wood may be of poor quality

One of the primary reasons that your palo santo may not be staying lit is because the wood itself is of poor quality. When you purchase palo santo, it's important to make sure that you're getting it from a reputable source. There are a lot of imitations on the market, and many of them are made from inferior materials that don't burn as well. If you're not sure about the quality of the wood, it's always best to err on the side of caution and go with a brand that you trust.

Be cautious with your palo santo selection - low-quality wood won't burn properly

Be cautious with your palo santo selection - low-quality wood won't burn properly

5. There may be too much wind present

Palo santo is traditionally used by burning sticks and waving the smoke around oneself or an area that needs to be cleaned. The smoke is said to cleanse negative energy and restore balance.

However, if there is too much wind present, the palo santo may not stay lit. This is because the wind can cause the flames to extinguish. In order to prevent this from happening, it is important to make sure that there is not too much wind present when trying to burn palo santo.

One way to do this is to burn the palo santo inside of a glass or metal container. This will help to protect the flames from being extinguished by the wind. Another way to prevent the wind from blowing out the flames is to use a candle snuffer. This will help to keep the flame contained and stop the wind from blowing it out.

If you are having trouble keeping your palo santo lit, make sure to check the weather conditions and try to find a day when there is little to no wind. This will help you to successfully burn the wood and cleanse your space with its sacred smoke.

6. Improper woodworking process

One of the reasons why your palo santo may not be staying lit could be due to improper woodworking. If the wood is not properly processed, it can contain too much moisture which will make it difficult to light and keep lit. There are a few things you can do to fix this: 

  • Make sure you're using dry, seasoned wood that has been properly processed. 
  • If the wood is still damp, try storing it in a dry place for a few days to allow it to dry out further. 
  • You can also try pre-drilling a hole into the center of the piece of wood to help with the airflow. 
  • If all else fails, you can try using a blow dryer on low heat to help dry out the wood.
Keep your palo santo burning correctly with the correct woodworking technique!

Keep your palo santo burning correctly with the correct woodworking technique!

7. There may be other materials present that are preventing the fire from taking hold, such as leaves or debris

One potential reason why your palo santo may not be staying lit is that there are other materials present that are preventing the fire from taking hold. This can often be the case with leaves or debris that can block the flow of oxygen to the fire, ultimately causing it to go out.

In order to fix this problem, you'll need to make sure that any leaves or debris are cleared away from the area where you're trying to light the fire. Additionally, you may want to consider using a small fan to help direct airflow towards the fire, which will also help to keep it lit.

8. The location where the wood is being burned may be too sheltered

If you're having trouble getting your palo santo to stay lit, it could be because the location where you're burning it is too sheltered. This can happen if there's not enough airflow or if the area is too enclosed. 

To fix this, try burning your palo santo in a more open area with good airflow. You can also try using a fan to help circulate the smoke.

If you are still having trouble getting your palo santo to stay lit, there are a few other things that you can try. One is to soak the wood in vodka for a few hours before burning it. This will help to remove any impurities from the wood that might be causing the problem. Another is to add some essential oils to the wood before burning it. This will help to create a more fragrant smoke that will also help to keep the flames lit.

Keeping the flames under control with a helping hand.

Keeping the flames under control with a helping hand.

9. The wood may be too old

When palo santo is too old, it becomes dry and crumbly. This means that it doesn't burn as well, and it doesn't produce as much smoke. As a result, it's much harder to keep it lit.

If you're having trouble keeping your palo santo lit, it's probably because the wood is too old. To fix this, you can try soaking the wood in water for a few hours, then dry it to reach the appropriate moisture content. This will help to rehydrate it and make it easier to burn.

Another way to keep your palo santo lit for longer is to cut it into smaller pieces. This will increase the surface area that is exposed to the flame, and make it easier to keep lit.

10. The wood may be too green

One of the main reasons why palo santo may not stay lit is because the wood is too green. This means that it hasn't had enough time to dry out and cure, which is necessary in order for it to burn properly. There are a few things you can do to fix this problem.

First, make sure you're only using palo santo which has been properly seasoned and cured. If you're not sure, ask the seller or manufacturer. Second, if you have access to a dehydrator, you can try drying out the wood yourself. This will help to remove some of the moisture content and make it easier to light. Finally, if all else fails, you can try soaking the wood in vodka or another type of alcohol for a few days. This will help to draw out the moisture and make it easier to light.

Once you have your palo santo properly dried out, it should stay lit much better. If you're still having trouble, there are a few other things to check. Make sure you're using fresh, dry tinder that's easily combustible. If your tinder is too damp or old, it won't catch fire as easily. Also, make sure you're using enough palo santo. It's better to use too much than too little, as a small piece may not be enough to keep the fire going.

11. There may be other factors present that are preventing the fire from taking hold, such as a lack of tinder or kindling

Palo santo is a type of wood that is often used for making fires. However, there are several factors that can cause it to not stay lit. One of the most common reasons is a lack of tinder or kindling. Tinder is a material that catches fire easily and helps to ignite larger pieces of wood. Kindling is smaller pieces of wood that catch fire easily and help to keep the fire going. Without these materials, it can be very difficult to get palo santo to stay lit. With a little bit of trial and error, you should be able to get your fire going and keep it going strong.


Have you ever tried burning palo santo? If so, you may have encountered the same problem I did when I first started using it--the embers often go out before the stick is completely burned. In this post, I'm going to share some tips on how to keep your palo santo lit and produce a fragrant smoke that can be used for cleansing and healing. Let me know in the comments below if these tips worked for you or if you have any additional suggestions.

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