Incense has been used for centuries for meditation and yoga. It can create a relaxing and calming atmosphere, which is perfect for these activities. If you're looking for the best incense to use for your next meditation or yoga session, check out our list of the top 11 options. We've included both incense sticks and smudge, so you can find the perfect one for you.

#1. Juniper

Using juniper incense for meditation can have many benefits. Juniper is known for its purifying and protective properties, making it ideal for use in meditation. It can help to cleanse and protect your aura, as well as promote calm and relaxation. When used correctly, juniper incense can be a powerful tool for your meditation practice.

To get the most out of using juniper incense for meditation, it is important to follow some basic guidelines. First, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down where you will not be disturbed. Next, light the incense and allow the smoke to fill the room. Once the smoke has dissipated, begin your meditation practice. Focus on your breath and let all other thoughts drift away. If you find your mind wandering, simply return your focus to your breath. After your meditation is complete, extinguish the incense and take a few deep breaths.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using juniper incense for meditation. First, it is important to only use high-quality incense. This will help to ensure that the smoke is pure and free of any harmful chemicals. Second, be sure to practice in a well-ventilated area. Juniper incense can be quite strong, so it is important to have plenty of fresh air circulating. Finally, if you have any medical conditions or are pregnant, please consult with a healthcare professional before using juniper incense for meditation.

The spicy and warm aroma of Juniper will help you focus more on meditation and yoga.

The spicy and warm aroma of Juniper will help you focus more on meditation and yoga.

#2. Rosemary

Rosemary incense is said to be one of the best types of incense for meditation. It is believed to have numerous benefits, including promoting relaxation, improving focus and concentration, and helping to open up the chakras. Rosemary is also thought to be helpful in easing stress and anxiety.

To use rosemary incense for meditation, simply light a stick or cone of incense and allow the smoke to waft around you. You can also hold the burning end of the incense close to your nose and breathe in the scent deeply. As you meditate, focus on your breath and let the scent of the rosemary help you to relax and clear your mind.

Before using any type of incense for meditation, it is important to take some precautions. Always use incense in a well-ventilated area and never leave burning incense unattended. If you have any respiratory problems, asthma, or other health conditions, be sure to check with your doctor before using incense.

#3. Sage

Sage has long been used in meditation practices for its ability to cleanse and purify the mind, body, and spirit. When burned, sage emits Negative Ions which help to neutralize toxins and pollutants in the air. This can create a sense of calm and peace, making it easier to focus on your meditation practice.

When using sage for meditation, it is important to set an intention for your practice. This could be something as simple as wanting to release negativity or finding inner peace. Once you have set your intention, light your sage stick and allow the smoke to waft over your body. Visualize the smoke carrying away any negative energy or thoughts that are weighing you down. Take deep breaths and focus on your breath to help you stay present in the moment.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using sage for meditation. First, sage should only be used in well-ventilated areas as the smoke can be irritating to the lungs. Second, be sure to extinguish your sage stick completely after use as it can continue to smolder and produce smoke. Lastly, never leave burning sage unattended. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your meditation practice is safe and enjoyable.

Sage is a versatile herb, and it can also help you with meditation.

Sage is a versatile herb, and it can also help you with meditation.

#4. Bayberry

Bayberry incense is said to be one of the best types of incense for meditation. This is because it is believed to have many benefits, including promoting relaxation, improving focus and concentration, and helping to induce sleep. Bayberry incense is also thought to be helpful in relieving stress and tension and reducing anxiety.

To use bayberry incense for meditation, simply light a stick or cone of incense and allow the smoke to fill the room. Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed, and focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Continue breathing deeply and slowly, and let the soothing scent of the bayberry incense relax you. If your mind begins to wander, simply bring your attention back to your breath.

There are no specific precautions that need to be taken when using bayberry incense for meditation. However, as with all types of incense, it is important to make sure that the smoke does not bother you or anyone else in the room. If you have asthma or any other respiratory condition, it is best to check with your doctor before using incense.

#5. Lavender

Lavender incense is often used in meditation for its calming and relaxing properties. The scent of lavender is believed to help promote a sense of peace and tranquility, which can be helpful in achieving a deeper state of meditation. Lavender incense can be burned in an incense burner or diffuser, or placed on a cloth or pillow to release the scent. It is important to use caution when burning incense, as the smoke can be irritating to the lungs. It is also important to keep burning incense away from flammable objects. If you are new to using incense, it is best to start with a small amount and increase the amount as needed.

#6. Lemon verbena

Lemon verbena is a type of incense that can be used for meditation. It is said to have many benefits, including helping to improve focus and concentration, providing calmness and relaxation, and reducing stress levels. Lemon verbena is also said to be helpful in boosting energy levels and aiding indigestion.

To use lemon verbena incense for meditation, simply light the incense and allow the smoke to waft around you. You can either sit or stand while doing this, whichever is more comfortable for you. Take slow, deep breaths and focus on the scent of the lemon verbena. Allow your mind to clear and focus on the present moment. After a few minutes, extinguish the incense and take a break. You can continue this process for as long or as short as you like.

There are no real precautions to take when using lemon verbena incense for meditation, but it is always best to consult with your doctor before beginning any type of new practice, particularly if you have any health concerns. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is best to avoid using any type of incense. In general, however, lemon verbena incense is safe for most people to use.

#7. Chamomile

Chamomile is one of the most popular herbs for relaxation and stress relief, making it an ideal choice for use in meditation. Chamomile has a calming effect on the body and mind and can be used in a number of different ways to promote relaxation.

There are several ways to use chamomile for meditation. One way is to add chamomile oil to a diffuser or humidifier. This will help to fill the room with the calming scent of chamomile, promoting relaxation and helping to reduce stress levels. Another way to use chamomile is to add it to a bath. This can be done by adding a few drops of chamomile essential oil to a warm bath, or by steeping chamomile tea bags in the water. Soaking in a chamomile bath can help to promote relaxation and ease muscle tension.

When using chamomile for meditation, it is important to be aware of any potential side effects. Chamomile is generally considered safe for most people, but some may experience allergic reactions, such as skin irritation or gastrointestinal upset. If you are concerned about any potential side effects, consult with your healthcare provider before using chamomile.

The gentle scent of chamomile will help you stay awake and focused in meditation.

The gentle scent of chamomile will help you stay awake and focused in meditation.

#8. Peppermint

Peppermint is a popular choice for incense when meditating, as it is thought to promote focus and concentration. The scent of peppermint is also said to be refreshing and invigorating, making it perfect for use in morning or afternoon meditation sessions. When using peppermint incense for meditation, it is important to take care not to allow the smoke to enter the eyes, as this can cause irritation. Peppermint oil can also be used in diffusers to create a similar effect.

#9. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus incense is one of the best choices for those looking to create a relaxing and meditative atmosphere. The refreshing, woody aroma of eucalyptus is invigorating and can help to clear the mind.

There are many benefits to using eucalyptus incense for meditation. The scent is known to boost energy levels and mood, improve focus and concentration, and promote feelings of calmness and well-being. It can also help to ease anxiety and relieve stress.

To use eucalyptus incense for meditation, simply light a stick or cone and allow the smoke to fill the room. Inhale deeply through the nose and exhale slowly through the mouth. Repeat this for several minutes, until you feel calm and relaxed.

Be sure to keep the incense away from any open flames, as it can be flammable. It is also important to ventilate the room well when using eucalyptus incense, as the smoke can be irritating to the lungs. Those with respiratory conditions should avoid using eucalyptus incense altogether.

Eucalyptus incense is frequently used in yoga and meditation studios.

Eucalyptus incense is frequently used in yoga and meditation studios.

#10. Clary sage

Clary sage is a type of incense that can be used to promote relaxation and meditation. This herb has a long history of use in traditional medicine, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. Clary sage is thought to have many benefits, including reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality, and easing menstrual cramps.

To use clary sage incense for meditation, simply light the incense and allow the smoke to waft around you. Inhale deeply and focus on your breath. You may want to close your eyes and focus on a mantra or positive affirmation. Continue breathing deeply and slowly until you feel calm and relaxed.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using clary sage incense for meditation. First, make sure the room is well-ventilated. This will help to prevent any headaches or dizziness that can sometimes occur when using incense. Second, be sure to extinguish the incense completely when you are finished meditating. Clary sage incense can be a powerful tool for promoting relaxation and peace of mind. Used correctly, it can help you to achieve a deeper level of meditation and connect with your higher self.

#11. Ylang ylang

When it comes to finding incense to use for meditation, ylang ylang is a great option. This sweet-smelling floral scent can be very calming and relaxing, making it ideal for use in meditation.

There are many benefits to using ylang-ylang in meditation. For one, the scent is known to help reduce stress and anxiety levels. This can be extremely helpful in achieving a deeper state of relaxation during meditation. Additionally, ylang-ylang has been shown to boost mood and promote feelings of happiness and well-being. This can further enhance the meditative experience by helping you feel more positive and uplifted.

So which incense is right for you for meditation and yoga?

There are many different types of incense available on the market, and it can be tricky to choose the right one for your needs. However, by taking the time to select several types of incense that are suitable for meditation and yoga, you can ensure that you get the most out of your practice. The best incense for meditation will provide a calm and relaxing atmosphere, helping you to clear your mind and focus on your breath. If you're looking for a little extra help in relaxation, try choosing an incense with a soothing scent, such as lavender or chamomile. If you're hoping to boost your energy levels and achieve a more intense meditative state, consider using uplifting incense-like jasmine or lemon. 

Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which scent you prefer and what works best for your needs. Whichever type of incense you choose, make sure to burn it safely and responsibly.

We hope you enjoyed our list of the best incense for meditation and yoga. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know in the comments section below. Thanks for reading!


1. TranScent in Stillness: Exploring the Feasibility of Using Incense Art with Virtual Reality for Meditation

2. The Incense Bible

Plant Scents That Transcend World Culture, Medicine, and Spirituality ByDennis J Mckenna, Kerry Hughes

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