Calendula, or the common marigold, is an herb with a rich history and traditional use in many cultures. Its vibrant orange petals and the distinct aroma of its essential oil have made it a popular choice for teas, salves, tinctures, and other herbal remedies. Besides, it has also had a role in spiritual and religious practices since ancient times, with cultures around the world using it to mark special occasions and pass on wisdom. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the spiritual meanings associated with calendula and the ways it can be helpful for your overall health and well-being. We will also explore some of the traditional uses of calendula by different cultures throughout history. By learning more about calendula’s medicinal benefits, spiritual significance, and traditional purposes, you’ll gain new insight into how this powerful plant can improve your life today!

1. Botanical description

Calendula officinalis, commonly known as Pot Marigold, is an annual herbaceous flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae. It is native to southern Europe but has been widely cultivated and naturalized throughout the world. The plant grows up to 60 cm tall and bears flowers that are a beautiful bright yellow-orange. The leaves of Calendula officinalis are opposite, simple, and soapy-textured with lance-shaped blades with entire margins. The flower heads consist of 15–20 ray florets surrounded by 5–7 rows of yellow or orange disc florets which become succulent when mature and form a cone shape at the center.

The healing power of nature - calendula

The healing power of nature - calendula

2. Mythology of Calendula

Calendula has a long history of use in many different cultures for its medicinal and healing properties. In the ancient world, they were believed to be a magical herb, and it was used in rituals to ward off evil spirits.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, they are said to have powerful cleansing and healing qualities due to their high concentration of antioxidants. It is thought to help with digestive problems, fever reduction, menstrual cramps, and joint pain relief.

In India, Calendula has been traditionally linked with purification and protection from harm or bad luck. The flower petals were often added to sacred baths to ward off negative energies and attract positive ones. The petals were also burned during certain rituals to honor the gods and goddesses.

In Wicca, it is frequently used in spells of purification, protection, and fertility. It can be carried with you to repel negativity and attract love; the petals can also be burned or sprinkled around a ritual circle for protection from outside forces.

Over the centuries, Calendula has come to symbolize hope and renewal, making it an ideal choice for any spiritual practice. Its bright yellow-orange color adds an extra layer of symbolism associated with positivity, joy, and celebration—allowing us to reap the full benefits of its power.

3. What is the biblical meaning of Calendula?

The Bible also contains several other references to Calendula as well as its scientific name "Tagetes erecta" suggesting that it has long been recognized as a source of spiritual strength and guidance from above. 

Most commonly, Calendula symbolizes hope, joy, and beauty. In the Bible, Jesus often uses Calendula to describe His coming kingdom. This links the flower with themes of resurrection and new life, as well as peace and healing. The prophet Isaiah (11:6-9) also cites Calendula as a sign of joy: “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb… They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of God like water coverings the sea.” Here, it is associated with images of harmony and unity and the overcoming of strife.

In other contexts, they can symbolize strength in the face of adversity or suffering. In Job 14:2-3, it is written that “All his days are determined… though its root grows old in the ground, and its blossoms stand out like Calendula”. This suggests that even when times are difficult, there is still hope for a brighter future with new life. The flower, therefore, carries strong associations with faith and courage.

Finally, Calendula can also represent love and devotion between two people. In Song of Solomon 2:1-2, we see this symbolism expressed in beautiful poetic language: “I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valley, like a Calendula in bloom among thorns”. Here, the image of the fragile and delicate flower amidst danger reflects the strength of love that can survive even in difficult circumstances.

4. What chakra is Calendula associated with?

Calendula is a bright and sunny flower that is often associated with the solar plexus chakra, located in the navel. This connection is likely due to Calendula's ability to lend strength and courage while helping to bring light into dark places. The yellow or orange color of the flower has been known to represent strong will, energy, power, and passion - all qualities related to this powerful chakra. Additionally, because they encourage self-confidence and clarity of thought, they can be used as a tool for unblocking any emotional stagnation that may be preventing one from fully accessing their personal power.

When using Calendula to open and activate the solar plexus chakra, its vibrational energy will help to bring the energy of the chakra into balance. To do this, simply hold a Calendula flower in your hands or place it near your navel while focusing on setting an intention for activating the solar plexus. Additionally, calming essential oils such as lavender can be used to increase relaxation during this process and provide even greater support for re-energizing and balancing this chakra. Besides, they are also consumed as tea, added to bath water, or used topically via oil or salve.

Read more: 5 Best incense for Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Let the bright and gentle energy of calendula help you open your solar plexus chakra.

Let the bright and gentle energy of calendula help you open your solar plexus chakra.

5. Benefits and significance of Calendula

Calendula has been used as a healing herb for centuries. It is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. Besides, they have many medicinal uses such as treating skin irritations, decreasing inflammation, accelerating wound healing, and reducing pain associated with cuts or bruises.

In addition to its medicinal value, this herb is also important for providing beauty benefits. They have been used in traditional cosmetics since ancient times due to their ability to soothe redness and irritation on the face and body while promoting the healing of skin tissue. A topical ointment containing an extract of calendula can be applied directly to the skin or added as an ingredient in homemade facial masks or creams.

Lastly, calendula has been used to treat digestive issues such as indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation. It is believed that compounds found in the plant are able to calm inflammation in the stomach and intestines, aiding in improved digestion. Calendula tea or liquid extract can be consumed several times a day to promote better digestive health.

6. The spiritual meaning of Calendula

6.1. Protection from negative energy

The use of calendula as a form of spiritual protection dates back centuries. Ancient cultures believed that it could ward off evil spirits and unwanted energies, providing spiritual protection from harm's way. In some traditions, it was even thought to have the power to shield a person from black magic. The herb was often included in protective charms, used to ward off negative influences and attract positive energy into one's life.

In modern times, many people use calendula for protection from negative energy as well. One way is to burn the herb as incense or even make tea out of the flowers. Another popular method is using essential oils made from the herb on your skin, which can act as an aura cleanser and offer additional protection against negativity. You can also place dried and powdered calendula around your home, such as near thresholds and doorways, which will help keep out any negative energies. Besides, some people add dried calendula petals to sachets or charm bags filled with other herbs, crystals, or trinkets that are believed to offer spiritual protection. Whatever method is chosen, the idea is the same: by invoking its protective power and harnessing its positive vibes, one can create an atmosphere of spiritual safety and security around them.

Let the beauty and power of calendula guard your aura from negativity!

Let the beauty and power of calendula guard your aura from negativity!

6.2. Developing a deeper connection with the divine

By connecting to the source, we can open up portals within ourselves and attain clarity of purpose in life. We can begin to understand how our soul functions and gain insight into our inner spiritual journey. It helps us move beyond just physical reality into a more metaphysical realm so that we can access higher realms of knowledge. 

There are several ways that one can use to develop this deeper connection with the divine through Calendula. Firstly, one should meditate using visualization techniques while focusing on their intention. This could include visualizing oneself surrounded by a golden light or feeling a wave of love coming from the higher realms.

Secondly, one can use affirmations or mantras to repeat while in meditation; this will help to focus on the connection and bring clarity of thought.

Finally, one could set up an altar dedicated to connecting with the divine, using Calendula as part of the altar decorations. This creates a special space that is dedicated to spiritual healing and provides an atmosphere for receiving guidance from beyond.

6.3. Restore spiritual balance and stability in one's life

Calendula has been used as an herb for centuries due to its healing power and many cultures believe that the flower itself contains powerful energies that support spiritual growth when used correctly. One way calendula can help restore spiritual balance is by creating a calming atmosphere where one can take time to commune with their own spirit and connect more deeply with their faith.

Other methods of restoring spiritual balance and stability with calendula include visual meditation, aromatherapy, and taking a spiritual bath. Visualization meditations can be done with calendula by focusing on the vibrant colors of the flower and its many healing properties as you sit in stillness. Aromatherapy using calendula's essential oil provides relaxation while also aiding in spiritual growth by connecting to your own spirit. Finally, a spiritual bath made from a mixture of calendula petals can provide cleansing and help restore harmony to one’s energy field.

6.4. Encourages self-exploration and insight into our inner

Calendula helps us cultivate greater self-awareness, acceptance, and insight into our inner workings and relationship with the divine. This connection can be achieved in many ways, such as meditation or contemplation. When we meditate on the vibration of calendula, that energy penetrates deep within our subconscious and gives us a greater awareness of ourselves. We can also contemplate how we relate to the divine and ask questions that help us discover new truths about who we are and what purpose we are here to serve.

Other methods of connecting with calendula’s spiritual energy include journaling, which allows us to explore our inner thoughts more deeply; or chanting mantras with the intention of connecting to the divine within. These methods can create a heightened awareness and understanding of our inner selves, enabling us to gain insight into ourselves and our connection with the divine.

Finally, we can also use calendula in ritualistic practices such as smudging or creating an altar for prayer and reflection. The use of such rituals can help us to make a deeper spiritual connection while providing us with a sacred space to explore our inner workings.

Take a moment to explore the depths of your inner self with calendula.

Take a moment to explore the depths of your inner self with calendula.

6.5. Heal lingering emotional wounds and clear any blockages energy  in the body

This flower has the power to unlock our hearts, allowing us to access the emotions buried beneath layers of pain and suppression. Calendula helps us to understand how we can heal those wounds with compassion and acceptance rather than judgment or fear. 

There are several methods for using Calendula as a tool for inner healing.

Meditation is one of the simplest ways to begin using this energy; it allows the user to connect deeply with their own personal sense of guidance, which in turn can lead them towards a more meaningful understanding of themselves and their life purpose.

Visualization techniques, such as imagining yourself surrounded by a field of Calendula, can help draw out blocked emotions and provide a sense of tranquility. In addition, many people find it helpful to create affirmations or mantras that encourage inner healing and transformation as part of their spiritual practice; these are phrases that express the intention to heal and grow.

Finally, journaling is a great way to explore your feelings surrounding emotional wounds, while also allowing yourself to release any old patterns or beliefs that have been preventing you from moving forward in life.

Through Calendula's healing power, we can begin to address old emotional blockages with acceptance and understanding rather than judgment or fear.

7. Who shouldn't use Calendula?

Calendula should not be used by individuals who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have known allergies to flowers. Additionally, it is not recommended for those taking anticoagulants and other medications as it could interfere with the effectiveness of the drugs. People with heart conditions, diabetes, and high blood pressure should also use caution when using this herb as a spiritual aid.

Those who suffer from seizures should be especially cautious when considering using them for any spiritual purpose. Excessive consumption of Calendula can lead to nausea, dizziness, headaches, liver damage, and even death in extreme cases. In addition to this, ingesting large quantities of Calendula can cause an allergic reaction such as rashes or hives.

In general, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional before using Calendula for spiritual purposes. It is also important to remember that just because something is natural doesn’t mean it is without risk or side effects. Safety should always be the top priority when attempting to use any herb as a spiritual aid.


In conclusion, Calendula is a powerful flower that has numerous spiritual meanings. From protection from negative energy to developing deeper connections with the divine, this vibrant plant can bring balance and stability into our lives while healing emotional wounds and clearing any blockages in the body. Whether used as an essential oil, ingested, or simply enjoyed for its beauty, Calendula offers many benefits that can help us on our journey of spiritual exploration and growth. If you find this article helpful or have experienced any of these effects personally, please share your story in the comments section below!


1. Calendula officinalis and Wound Healing: A Systematic Review.

2. Phytochemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Calendula officinalis Linn (Asteraceae): A Review

3. Results of the clinical examination of an ointment with marigold (Calendula officinalis) extract in the treatment of venous leg ulcers.

4. The Ultimate Guide to Aromatherapy: An Illustrated guide to blending essential oils and crafting remedies for body, mind, and spirit

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